IB English


Advika Institute of Education offers expert IB English tutors dedicated to helping students excel in their International Baccalaureate (IB) English studies. Our team of experienced tutors possesses a deep understanding of the IB English curriculum and is committed to providing comprehensive support to students. Our IB English tutors are proficient in the IB English course’s language and literature components. They possess strong language skills and literary analysis expertise, enabling them to guide students in developing critical reading, writing, and analytical skills.

With personalized instruction, our tutors cater to the unique learning needs of each student. They assess individual strengths and weaknesses, identify areas for improvement, and tailor their teaching methods accordingly. Through one-on-one sessions and small group classes, tutors provide individual attention and support to enhance student learning outcomes.

Our IB English tuitions focus on enhancing students’ understanding and appreciation of literature, developing their ability to analyze literary texts critically, and improving their written and oral communication skills. Tutors provide guidance in essay writing, textual analysis, and literary techniques to help students effectively express their ideas and interpretations. In addition, our tutors emphasize exam preparation, familiarizing students with the IB English assessment criteria and exam formats.

They provide practice materials, past papers, and exam techniques to help students feel confident and perform well in their IB English examinations.
Studying texts, both literary and non-literary, can help one gain an understanding of how language works to produce interpretations in a society and in particular texts. Any text can be interpreted based on its subject matter, readership, structure, and the social, historical, cultural, and professional settings in which it was produced and valued. Responding to and composing texts helps us understand how language either reinforces or destroys specific ways of contemplating.

Our expert IB English tutors bring their passion for language and literature and dedication to student success. Students can develop strong language skills, improve their literary analysis abilities, and achieve excellent results in their IB English studies with their guidance.

Benefits of our IB English tuitions

  • Our IB English tuitions help students improve their language skills, including reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
  • Through our tuition, students develop a deeper appreciation for literature and gain the ability to analyze and interpret literary texts critically.
  • Our tutors focus on developing students’ oral and written communication skills, enabling them to express their ideas effectively and confidently.
  • We provide comprehensive exam preparation, equipping students with the necessary skills and strategies to excel in their IB English assessments.
  • With small group classes or one-on-one sessions, our tutors provide individualized attention and support tailored to each student’s unique learning needs.

What’s New in English at Advika Institute?

Both students and teachers are confused by the most recent changes to the IB Diploma English Language & Literature curriculum. Any curricular changes require adjustments and concern. While students want to get the best grade possible to boost their college applications, teachers want to make sure their students get the best education possible in their last years of school. What changes have been made to the IB Diploma in English Language and Literature?

Students can still succeed, show that they understand, and work harder to connect what they have learned through analysis and, most importantly, primarily using their own context-specific lens thanks to the IB’s intuitive and constructive improvements to the English Language & Literature syllabus.

Paper 1

The primary focus of Paper 1, which is virtually unchanged, is still on writing and analytical skills at both the standard and higher levels. It is recommended that educators and learners utilize and apply a variety of curriculum materials for analysis and create question papers that are most relevant to the texts. Despite its flaws, this is still a fantastic strategy to prepare for Paper.

1. Thankfully, the analytical and writing skills needed to succeed in the SL and HL are the same; the HL simply takes longer.

The sole real-world difference between the two levels is that the work may be finished in one hour and fifteen minutes for SL and two hours and fifteen minutes for HL. Any of the literary texts listed in the requisite IB courses may be used for the unseen texts in both assessments; these texts should be discussed in class or included in the student portfolio.

Any of the text categories listed in the course requirements may be utilized for the unseen texts used in both assessments; these texts must be discussed in class or documented in the student portfolio. For criteria C and D in paper 1, the IB awards students for their use of language and organizational skills. This is a crucial topic for students and teachers to concentrate on because it makes up half of the total points on Paper 1. If a student writes clearly and concisely and arranges their ideas nicely, their overall grade can be improved.

Individual Oral Component (IOC)

Learning and assessment still heavily rely on the oral aspect of the course. The recently changed IO assessment criterion is still applicable to both SL and HL. The only difference is that whilst the IO for HL has dropped from 20% to 25%, the IO weighting for SL has grown from 30% to 45%.

Concerns have been raised by both students and teachers regarding this, especially for the SL, who has access to opportunities for skill practice and instructor support to succeed. The IB has allowed students to choose a written text and a non-literary book from among those studied in the course as part of the shift from a more teacher-centered to a more learner-centered approach. Hire an IB English tutor in India from Advika Institute for a successful preparation!

It is now the student’s duty to select literary and non-literary works that are related to their portfolio from a global viewpoint, to establish a personal link through context and content, and to provide a range of analytical opportunities.

broader significantly, they need to make room for a broader global vision. Teachers must make sure that students have formed these connections throughout the teaching and learning process so that their personal text preferences can be expressed.

The high-level paper is typically an essay. For paper no. 2, students must format their essays using a thesis, topic sentences, introduction, quotations, and conclusion. This is a great way to prepare for the exam that paper no. 2 will replace this year. Oddly enough, it feels and looks like a long essay.